Saturday, January 23, 2010


Lynne Merchant - wire artist  One of the most creative woman I know.  She taught me to bend wire into jewelry, wrapping rocks and beach glass - She also inspired me to be more creative with my designs - to feel that creativity is a natural part of life.

I'm delighted to find her still making her beautiful works in San Diego

I feel a lot of gratitude for what I've learned from her

not to mention the wire work and genius of Alexander Calder

Happy New Year!

Hiking in the Marin Headlands today I noticed how a line of waves kept appearing and disappearing along the horizon.

Reminds me of the Vedic teachings (as I interpret it) - each wave may appear separate than the ocean, yet it simply consists of water, same as the rest of the ocean.   

Just like each of us are unique yet stem from the same source of vital creativity.

I find this reassuring