Sunday, October 11, 2009

finding the space in between

I have a tendency (which I imagine I share with most) of filling up my weeks/days with a lot of activities in addition to my work. If I'm not moving from one thing to the next, my mind is a few steps ahead of me, planning, preparing, sometimes worrying about what's next.

Spending a week away from my regular routine has shown me how restful it is to NOT have a schedule, and agenda, a plan for the day, but to rather be in "it" as I go along.

one week back and I can feel the spaciousness slowly contracting as I encounter all that life is made up to keep the spaciousness?

Today I am practicing a very subtle awareness - focusing on the space in-between things - feeling it in my body particularly - I imagine the space in between my cells, where things are moving and flowing. It's been useful - breathing into the space is helping to release the little areas of tension. I feel more available to my self and those around me.


  1. I'm so glad your blogging. I love that I'll have another way to connect with you. Thanks for the reminder of the "in-between". It can be a forgotten space but it's a part of everything.

    Happy you're home and hope to see you soon!

  2. Hi Dorie! I love your blog! You are so creative and beautiful and I am happy you are sharing yourself. Thank you! xo

  3. thanks for joining - It's fun learning here, I'm just now seeing there are comments!
