Saturday, October 17, 2009

Taking my time

I'm reading the book "Salt" (well, I've been reading it) for about a year now I keep reading the first two chapters over again (well, twice now).

This is not the first time it's taken me a while to get through a book, the last was "Peter the Great" by Richard Massie. It was worth worth the recommendation and encouragement to make it through.

Now there's this Salt book and as I realized today, one of the reasons it takes me a while is that there are so many interesting tidbits of information in each chapter. I read Chapter Two in the bath today, "Fish, Fowl and Pharaohs". Now I have an increased understandings of the Egyptian way of life (in relation to food and the body).

For example, they believed that the onion "resembled the concentric circles of the universe". They thought that Isis taught them how to grow olives. They may have been the first to cure meat and fish with salt. (they needed to find ways to store food in case of drought). They left elaborate offerings in tombs for the deceased. They believed that the body was the "vessel connecting earthly life to the after life". so many aspects are interesting to me

I saw an offer for reduced tickets to see the King Tut exhibit at the de Young museum in San Francisco, I think I better go.

I'm glad I'm taking my time with this one.


  1. Hi, I really enjoyed your thoughts on creativity and the space in between. All so true. It is hard to work and go about living without creativity but it is also difficult to work this into our days. Thank-You for the well said and it seems to me you have writting talents too....Also such a pretty pic of you.
    from kellie

  2. kjnwil is kellie wilson(Molenkamp) (Incase it doesn't say so somewhere) 8)

  3. thank you Kellie for taking the time to read these thoughts - and your kind words.
